Minggu, 22 November 2009

Diet Menu For HCG Diet

Prije jela, morate provjeriti količinu kalorija od hrane koju jedu. Održavanje 500 kalorija dnevno je teško za nove dijeti. Rješenje za to je pripremiti željenu hranu i izbornik. U tom razdoblju, izbornik popis je vrlo važno. Kako upravljati svoj ​​HCG izbornik za podešavanje od kombinacija obroka nije dozvoljeno. Morate kontrolirati svoje cravings za slatke i masne hrane.
Za doručak, možete samo uzeti šalicu čaja ili voća. Vi ste dozvoljeno piti sok od limuna, sok od naranče ili voćnog soka. Pijenje tekućine, naročito vode, vrlo je važno u ovom prehrani protokol. Morate čekati ručak jesti solidnu obrok. Za ručak, ne smijete jesti vrlo teška obrok. Ručak mogao sastojati 100 grama teletine, nemasno meso, pileća prsa, svježa riba meso, ili škampi. Sve vidljive masnoće moraju biti uklonjene prije kuhanja kako bi se izbjegli dodatni kalorija.Meso mora biti težak sirovina i ne smije više ga kuhati. U ovoj dijeti, možeš jesti 200 grama proteina svaki dan, što bi bilo dobro podijeliti u 2 obroka. Možete jesti 100 grama proteina u ručak i 100 grama proteina za večeru.
aspirations, commitment and political will needed to maintain a low calorie diet each day. There are times you feel falling HCG treatment, you will be on reducing the more weight is very important. Your commitment to achieve the desired weight basis would lead you to your needs.
aspirations, commitment and political will needed to maintain a low calorie diet each day. There are times you feel falling HCG treatment, you will be on reducing the more weight is very important. Your commitment to achieve the desired weight basis would lead you to your needs.
to create a menu, you must know the basic principles of the hcg diet system. You must be familiar with the method of Dr. Simeons diet. In addition, it is important to note that the first 2 days diet program is considered the day of loading. This is the time that they can eat whatever želite.Utovara days are very important that you supplied during the diet program. This technique is necessary to provide additional calories to the diet period.
Before eating, you should check the amount of calories of the foods you eat. Maintenance of 500 calories a day is difficult for a new child. The solution to this is to prepare the desired food and menu. During this period, the menu list is very important. How to manage your HCG setup menu from a combination of meals is not permitted. You control your cravings for sweets and fatty foods.

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