Senin, 22 November 2010

Mediterranean Diet Menu Plan - Five Tips For Eating Out

One of the benefits of the Mediterranean diet that is easy to make the right foods and eating habits in your own home. Dining, however, can be a little harder. In a world full of fast food, the army-sized restaurant portions and low-fat menus, it takes a little work to maintain your Mediterranean Diet plan menu. Here are 5 tips for finding and creating a Mediterranean diet meal when eating.
1 Order an appetizer
with restaurants that serve such large portions, most dishes have become sebe.Talijanski meals at chain restaurants like to offer an appetizer of steamed clams and garlic butter served over pasta with a slice of garlic bread. I can not imagine what dinner looks like a part of! Choose appetizers with a good amount of healthy fats (olive oil, butter, cheese) and fresh vegetables, fish or lean meat. Sorry, mozzarella sticks do not count.
2 Split plate
Even the healthiest Mediterranean diet for a full meal in a heap can ruin the whole Mediterranean Diet plan menu. One solution is to divide the plate with a friend. Again, the portion size they are, you'll be more than satisfied with a half order of most meals. Many restaurants even allow you to request panel is divided into two when. You'll get two individually prepared plates rather than one with half a meal raised on it and only have to pay for a meal.
3 Was the above
Many restaurants offer a menu virtual contributions can combine to make a meal. Usually there are good grilled or cooked vegetables of options, so you can avoid hardening of the arteries deep-fried sides. For breakfast, mix the fruit and a touch of honey in the whole unsweetened yogurt (or add a drop of half and half to a low-fat yogurt). Meal salads are also becoming more popular and is usually beautiful in the Mediterranean diet menu plan without altered. Of the vitamin found in vegetables are fat soluble, avoid low-fat salad lining.
4 Make a meal
Sometimes, when all the restaurants in the eyes of the fast-food joints, shops can be your best friend. Armed with well-honed Mediterranean diet menu plan, you can stalk the aisles for the right ingredients to create a lunch on the way. In France, a whole meal can be made from a baguette and a wedge of cheese. Try adding olives (or olive oil), cucumber, sun dried tomatoes, salami, anchovies, avocados, etc. to create a hearty Mediterranean sandwiches.
5 This Pack
If the food you love is at home, why not take it with you when you go out? This is especially good on the day you run errands and do not want to spend money on meals out. Pack some good rest, such as salads, pasta, olives, fruits, vegetables and bread. Grab a blanket and enjoy the most casual Mediterranean diet meal in the park between tasks. Your wallet and your stomach will thank you.

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